Hello! We're Tim & Alan from Atlanta, Georgia. As we begin this journey together, we want to express our gratitude in considering us as adoptive parents for your child. As an adoptee himself, Tim appreciates the importance of open adoption and as two dads you will ALWAYS be "mom".

We want you to be involved with our family to the extent that you feel comfortable and we're excited that you're taking the time to get to know us.


We began our life journey together almost nine years ago when we first met in Florida. We have been inseparable ever since, embracing and enjoying our similarities and differences. We are soul mates and compliment each other through unconditional love, understanding, a mutual respect for one another… and plenty of laughter! You will often find tears running down our faces from laughing so hard, which of course… just makes it funnier!

Alan has worked for a major media company for almost 16 years, allowing him a flexible schedule for surprise visits home at lunch as a family and attendance of school events. Tim has a fifteen year background in Travel and Event Planning, although he eagerly awaits taking on his new position as "STAY AT HOME DADDY". We recently moved Tim's parents here so we could see them often. Alan's family is a 7-hour drive away and they visit regularly. We are blessed to have been successful in our life together, our careers, a wonderful home, and are excited to share all of this with our child.

Thank you for considering us as adoptive parents for your child! We’re eager to learn about your hopes and dreams.

                                                                                                      Tim Frendak and Alan Smith

We would love to hear from, and get to know you. Please feel free to call us anytime, toll free at 1-877-298-8381 or e-mail us at DadsAtlanta@aol.com You can also learn more about us by contacting the Independent Adoption Center at 1-800-877-OPEN (6736) or by visiting their web site at www.adoptionhelp.org/birthmother.html

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